Monday, May 2, 2011

The Last of the Storytellers

FINALLY all the storytellers are finished - ready or not!

My afternoon class today missed Art the past 2 Mondays so I had to drag out the dusty tablecloths, the crusty clay placemats, and the moldy & moist scrap clay to finish their sculptures.

My dilemma now is: dip n' glaze with clear glaze (which will require ANOTHER firing but will lessen the chance of little pieces breaking/falling off with handling) Or let them have at it w/watercolors since the kids would rather have color...

None of the sculptures will be featured in any exhibits - too late for that now...

The glaze will help secure & strengthen the sculpture but the finished work will be colorless...

The watercolor will doubtlessly be applied somewhat carelessly by some and the frequent handling may result in broken pieces...

Decisions, decisions...


  1. Actually, you could dip the earthenware and fire just once, too.

    It works!

    Your storytellers are really nice by the way. I'd never seen painting clay with watercolors before your site. We're a little low on supplies around here, but have PLENTY of watercolors. Thanks for the tip.

  2. These are so charming! I agree with the above comment- clear glaze.

  3. Thanks for your encouragement - I think I will go ahead & dip 'em in clear glaze! Angie - I'm a little leery of doing it all at once. I've done it successfully before but that was with glaze specifically for greenware & not sure our glaze is compatible with the process...
