Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Directed Drawing: Scuba Diver

Most of the 5th graders are up north in the cool pines for 3 days. Those who either chose not to go or lost the privilege due to behavior are in 2 groups of stay-behinds with subs. When they show up in my room, I want to make sure that I have a high interest activity to keep them engaged.

Directed drawings are structured for success - quick step-by-step directions and plenty of time for creative elaboration.

I chose a scuba driver from one of my many drawing books:

Here are the steps:

The kids really enjoyed it & there was a profusion of sharks & piranhas eating/biting the poor diver...


  1. I love love love directed drawings. :) I have the same book and may have to steal this idea.

  2. Love it, but I changed the flippers a little. This worked perfectly for my school project!

  3. Me too! And i just realized i'm a bit late!!!! XD!!!
