Saturday, September 22, 2012

If you had $50 to spend...

I had the good fortune to win a $50 gift card to Walmart at our faculty meeting this past Thursday. So now I have to decide what supplies to buy with it...Any suggestions? I'm leaning towards materials that are not consumable but I need ideas!!! I would love it if you would leave a comment and giving me some possibilities...


  1. Here's what I would get: mirrors for self-portraits (hand mirrors that stand up); new dustpans/dust brushes for cleanup; maybe some colorful caddies or storage bins if you don't already have; and then I would get a few materials that many of us buy out-of pocket, like shaving cream, baby wipes, toothpaste and hand cream (for imitation batik), foam paintbrushes, etc. Oh - another idea- silk flowers for still lives and Georgia O'Keefe enlargements! I guess at this point I've spent well over that $50, haven't I?

  2. You had me at mirrors! We're mid-way thru mirror-less self-portraits & that would be such a help! Thanks so much for the ideas...

  3. Drawing books, games, activities the kids can use during free time/done early. :)

  4. Mrs. C - I'm nearly out of legos, so many have 'walked' out the door...the kids would love to have a full container again & the boys have been bugging me for a paper airplane book. Thanks for the help!
