Sunday, April 1, 2012

Printing With Kinders

Gadget printing is so much fun!

On a 9 x 12 white paper Kinders practiced stamping with a variety of found objects: laundry detergent caps, forks, marker caps, film canister (how do I explain that item to this generation?)and other stuff I collect for just this purpose. They were to print in rows to get a feel for pattern and repetition.

After the practice sheet was finshed, they were to print on their painted fish shape papers. My plan was to re-create those patterns on the colored stripes of the fish.

My student artists had a lot of fun with these as well as extra experience with pattern. I'll post some of the finished ones in the days to come...


  1. I love the fish but I am obsessed with the practice sheets! They are so beautiful and would look great in my kitchen.

  2. haha - Since I'm stingy with sending home projects until they've been assessed, the kiddos took home their practice sheets instead of their fish so I'm afraid I have none left!

  3. Cool project- do they dip the objects in paint or an ink pad? I love how they adding the textures to the fish- brilliant!

  4. Ink pad - I'll talk about my DIY version in an upcoming post!
