Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gotta Love those Kinders

I'm not one to usually use templates but with kinders I sometimes make exceptions. We were doing a 3 day project that included painting, tracing, cutting with a scissors and gadget printing. I decided to create 3 different fish shapes for the students to choose from to trace on the back of their paintings...

As the kids made their choices, I began to have misgivings about creating 'cookie cutter' art - where every project pretty much looks like every other one. Leave it to the kinder kids to put their own distinct style on tracing & cutting when I wasn't looking...

Gotta love 'em...


  1. Templates are not as evil as some art teachers make them out to be. Especially with kinders, they can be a good starting point. They never end up looking the same anyway.

  2. I feel the same away about cookie cutter art, but it is amazing how things can never truly be the same. Each child's mark is going to look distinctively different than the next, just like our handwriting. It is cool to see that the self always shines through!
