Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Got the Boot

...for my left foot, that is! Apparently, running on the sidewalk can be harmful to teachers too. I wasn't actually running, just turning to run & catch the busses because of a few students who were leaving late at dismissal last Wednesday. Turned, twisted an ankle & SPLAT in the dirt in front of an audience of my peers. So to add to the end of the year crazies, I'm lugging around this boot on my foot because of a sprained ankle!

Since I have all my grades to finish, I'm putting my 'sit with foot raised' time to good use. As I complete 4th quarter grades, I note which students have earned award certificates for the year.

My students are eligible for these 5 certificates...

1. Young Artist - met Az Visual Art Standards in all 4 grading periods
2. Outstanding Young Artist - met or exceeded Az Visual Art Standards in all 4 grading periods
3. Exceptional Young Artist - exceeded Az Visual Art Standards in all 4 grading periods (student receives a bag of art supplies in addition to certificate)
4. Improvement Award - student improved by 3 grading levels over course of the year
5. Art Volunteer - awarded to any/all students who volunteered to help me in the Art room before school. Certificate lists # of hours student worked.

What honors/awards do you give out to your students at end of year?
Do you give out certificates or...?

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. It's not broken, is it? What a bit of crummy luck! Hope that it's better quickly.
