Friday, April 15, 2011


Is it Friday finally? We had a week full of state testing so 16 out of 29 classes were canceled. Instead of teaching those 16 classes, my awesome talents were used to provide restroom breaks for classroom teachers who were confined inside their rooms. Since I didn't get my usual preps, I had to work late every night to mat & label over 50 2D projects for our District art show which starts on Monday. Stayed 'til 6 tonite (thanks for helping Jo!) to get everything stapled to our six-sided panel and wrapped up for my custodian to deliver to our mall (right across the street!) on Monday morning.

The last of my 3D is getting fired in the kiln as I write this. Most every day this week I was unloading & loading the kiln before and/or after school. Since so many of my classes were canceled, the kids didn't have the opportunity to glaze their pots in time for the Art exhibit. We were just going to dip & glaze anyway, so I chose a few of the better constructed pieces & dipped them myself. Hopefully they won't hate me forever for depriving them of those precious 60 sec of getting messy...

Second grade fish sculptures required the personal touch, so since I DID get to see 2 of those classes on Thursday morning, I chose about 6 kids from each group that showed potential for excellent craftsmanship and had them spend lunch recess completing the work the last two days. Hopefully, when I open the kiln on Monday morning, the results will look great...

In addition to canceled classes, Potty Pal duty, completion of projects and exhibit displays, I had a meeting with a staff member early in the week who is in charge of our Intervention program. She & 3 classified staff work with small groups of kids that are far below grade level. Unfortunately, her initial schedule meant that about 40 - 50 kids would miss most of their specials (30 min of the 45 min class). However she was receptive to my offer for help in 'tweaking' the schedule - we did what we could and after meeting w/the principal this afternoon to get more support for the toughest changes, looks like all but a handful will get most or all their specials back... WOO HOO!!

Next up - taxes...

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