Monday, April 25, 2011

More Samples of 2D Artwork ...Middle School Style

Here are some pix of the AMAZING artwork created by our middle school (Gr. 6 - 8) artists...

Portrait collage using marker and construction paper...

Note: Some of the exhibit panels are covered by sheets of plastic to protect the work so please pardon the glare you may see...

A variety of papers were used to create this self-portrait...

This gorgeous frog was small (about 5" x 8") and wonderfully done in Prismacolor pencils...

Pencil work...

Illuminated letters, again done in prismas...

Another portrait...

Collagraph self portrait...

Hope you've enjoyed the 2D work - up next 3D!

Don't forget the GIVEAWAY this Friday, the 29th, for a lucky follower(s).


  1. I especially love the illuminated letters. Thank you for sharing! -

  2. like the monsters.. they are nice.. working on sock monster right now with my 5th graders.. hope to have pics soon..
