Monday, February 21, 2011

Rockin' Robots

Just had to post pix of my colleague's latest project with her 4th grade...

Our school is large enough to have 2 art teachers - myself with 29 classes in 5 days and a traveling art teacher who meets with 12 classes in 2 days. She travels to 4 different district schools throughout the course of the week, teaching 30 classes of K-5.

Although we have lunch together on Fridays, our class schedules are so similar that I rarely get to see her projects. This past week, she had a sub so while I was showing the sub where to find materials I glimpsed these radical robots her 4th graders are finishing.

This little guy had a secret compartment...

She collected these materials from a variety of sources - Treasures 4 Teachers, Goodwill and scavenged materials from discards here 'n there. Elmer's Glue All was used to attach most of the small stuff and a glue gun (teacher only) was used for bigger stuff.

Now that the robots are completed, students will draw their creations in pencil to compare/contrast 2D and 3D artwork.

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