Saturday, February 26, 2011


Spent a satisfying morning learning/reviewing bookmaking skills in a class taught by one of my cohorts, M (who's also responsible for teaching me how to blog!)

We learned/created a simple folder book

An accordion book

A 4 page/one sheet 'hot dog' booklet

A step book

'Who am I?" book

Palm Tree book

You can see the step-by-step instructions of most of these at All are designs from artist Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord. This is such a great way to combine literacy/vocabulary activities with artmaking!

1 comment:

  1. NancieKay- First of all, I love these book ideas along with the vocabulary review. I may share them with my art department! Second of all, I am so very excited to tell you that you won a giveaway from the Art of Education! I sent you an email. Contact me at so I can get your address and send them out to you. Congrats!
