Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Week

Ahhh...the first week is over & now the real work begins!

I created 29 'Special Needs' check-off lists for my teachers and -SURPRISE! - received some back already.

I created 29 class lists for my 5 grade levels and have spent all day today re-doing the lists of three grade levels (11 classes) who are moving kids around due to high numbers (Can you even imagine 38 first graders in one classroom?!?).

I still have 29 seating charts to finish this week...

Good news is we've covered expectations, fire drills, lockdowns and drawing assessments. Next up - permanent seats & placecards. Line projects will also begin this next week & I hope to have pictures posted w/lesson plans.

State conference is in a few more weeks...gotta get those plans done for my workshop too! No rest for the weary...

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